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Company Group

Part of the company group are various national and regional companies, which are individually listed below as well as Lidl Digital Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG

The list contains only the relevant and current Lidl national companies. In the future, further organisations can be added to the list if SB Lidl KG has direct or indirect shares in the relevant organisation and they participate in the Lidl Plus offer.

Lidl Malta Limited

Vassallo Business Park, Burmarrad Road, Naxxar

NXR 6345, Malta

Lidl Stiftung & Co. KG

Stiftsbergstraße 1

74167 Neckarsulm

Lidl Digital Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG

Stiftsbergstraße 1

74172 Neckarsulm


C/ Beat Oriol, s/n

Polígono "La Granja"

08110 Montcada i Reixac


Lidl Danmark K/S

Carl Blochs Gade 89,

8000 Aarhus

Lidl Österreich GmbH

Unter der Leiten 11

5020 Salzburg

Lidl sp. z o.o. sp. k.

ul. Poznańska 48, Jankowice

62-080 Tarnowo Podgórne

Lidl Dienstleistung GmbH & Co. KG

Bonfelder Straße 2

74206 Bad Wimpfen

Namen und Anschriften der regional tätigen Unternehmen unter oder 0800 4353361

Lidl Nederland GmbH

Havenstraat 71

1271AD Huizen

PO Box 198

1270 AD Huizen

Lidl Belgium GmbH & Co. KG

Guldensporenpark 90, blok J

9820 Merelbeke

Lidl Slovenská republika, v.o.s.

Prievozská 2

821 09 Bratislava

Lidl Ireland GmbH

Main Road


Dublin 24

Lidl Suomi Ky

Niittymäentie 7, PL 500

02201 Espoo

Lidl Great Britain Limited

Lidl House

14 Kingston Road



Lidl Sverige KB

Barkarbyvägen 5

177 45 Järfälla

Lidl Česká republika v.o.s.

Nárožní 1359/11

158 00 Praha 5, ČR


București Sectorul 1, Strada CPT. AV. ALEXANDRU ȘERBĂNESCU, Nr. 58A, Sediul Central

ЛИДЛ България ЕООД енд КО. КД

ул. „3-ти март“ № 1

2129 Равно поле

Lidl Bulgaria EOOD and KO.KD

str. “3-ti mart “ № 1

2129 Ravno pole

Lidl Italia S.r.l. a socio unico

Via Augusto Ruffo, 36

37040 Arcole (VR)

Lidl Hellas & Sia Ο.Ε.

Industrial Area of Thessaloniki, Block 31, DΑ 13 Str, P.O. Box 1032,

GR- 57022, Sindos, Delta Municipality

Lidl Hrvatska d.o.o. k.d.,

Ulica kneza Ljudevita Posavskog 53,

10410 Velika Gorica

Lidl Cyprus

Industrial Area of Aradippou, Pigasou Street 2,

CY-7100, Aradippou, Larnaca

VAT Nr. CY-30010823A

Lidl Schweiz DL AG

Dunantstrasse 15

8570 Weinfelden

Lidl Northern Ireland Limited

Dundrod Road

Nutts Corner

Antrim BT29 4SR

United Kingdom

Lidl Magyarország Kereskedelmi Betéti Társaság

1037 Budapest

Rádl árok 6.

Lidl & Companhia

Rua Pé de Mouro, 18, Linhó

2714-510 Sintra


UAB Lidl Lietuva

Viršuliškiu skg. 34-1

LT-05132 Vilnius

Lietuvos Respublika

Lidl SNC

1 rue de Hanovre,

92290 Châtenay-Malabry


Lidl Srbija KD

Prva južna radna br. 3,

22330 Nova Pazova

Lidl Slovenija d.o.o. k.d.

Pod lipami 1

1218 Komenda, Slovenija

Lidl Latvija, SIA

Dzelzavas iela 131

Rīga, LV-1021

Lidl Eesti OÜ

A. H. Tammsaare tee 47

11316 Tallinn